Friday, February 26, 2010

Hip-Hop: Directional Glides in Freestyle

In hip-hop dancing, directional glides make the dancers look like they're floating, that is, if the dancers do the movement correctly. In order to pull off this floating illusion successfully when you do directional glides in hip-hop freestyle dance, it's a matter of learning how to shift your weight on your feet.
  • Step 1 Step forward with your right foot, putting your weight on the ball of your foot. Your knee is slightly bent at this point and your right heel is off the floor.
  • Step 2 Slide your left foot forward past your right foot. When doing this, your left foot isn't touching the floor but it has to look like it is. So, lift your left foot only slightly off the floor.
  • Step 3 Shift your weight. When you slide your left foot forward past your right foot, shift your weight to the balls of your feet on your left foot and lift your right foot slightly off the ground.
  • Step 4 Repeat Step 1 through Step 3 to do a forward directional glide.
  • Step 5 Go over Step 1 through Step 3 again, but stepping backward instead of forward to do a backward directional glide.
  • Step 6 Repeat the same steps when doing a directional glide to the side. When gliding to the side, shift your weight the same as you do when going forward or backward, except slide your feet to meet each other instead of sliding them past one another.

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